Patch 0.2.6 — Combat Overhaul!

There are some grand changes this patch, mostly targeted at the combat system and making it more dynamic, as well as giving players more options during battle without over-complicating the existing system. With that in mind, check out the changes set for this patch:



NEW MECHANIC: Energy & Exhaustion

During combat, players have a new stat called energy.

Players start with 8 energy. Every 3rd basic attack costs 1 energy.

Activated items now expend 1 energy. Items no longer activate their regular cooldowns when used in combat; instead, these items go modified cooldowns that only apply in combat, meaning these items can be used multiple times in the same battle.

All activated items cost 1 energy to use in a battle. 

When a player’s energy reaches zero, they become exhausted. When a player is exhausted, their defense is 30% less effective, and their attacks deal 50% less damage. Energy never regenerates in combat, but players restore 2 energy at the end of each of their turns. Winning a battle restores 1 energy. Visiting a hospital will restore all energy.

Some powers have also been adjusted to be usable in combat. Each power costs 2 energy to use in combat, and costs 1 additional energy each subsequent time it is used. All powers have a 2-combat round cooldown.

Haunt — Haunting a player in combat drains 1 energy from them.
Sprint — Sprinting in combat makes your next attack ignore 30% of your opponent’s defense, and makes the next attack against you deal 35% less damage.
Stormfury — Smiting an enemy in combat deals 7% of their max health to them as damage.



  • Retreating is now a combat option that may let you withdraw from combat.
  • When a player chooses to retreat, their opponent may now choose to “Pursue” them, which costs 3 energy, and makes their next attack 50% less effective, however the battle will continue.
  • If a player chooses not to pursue a retreating opponent, the retreating opponent pays AP to the victor as normal.



To account for basic attacks costing energy, basic attack damage scaling has been increased by ~40%, however players no longer start with 1 attack.

Critical strike damage scaling has been reduced from 265-315% normal damage to 135%-170% damage, however the critical strike multiplier is now applied to a player’s basic attack damage.



Numerous price adjustments have occurred; far too many to list here! Most items worth less than 110 AP have had their prices increased by 5-10 AP. Some items worth more than 200 AP have had their prices decreased by 10-20 AP.


:: Minimum healing increased from 3 HP per turn to 5 HP per turn.


:: Lifesteal increased from 10% to 15%. Also now tends to round up when performing calculations.


If your favorite power wasn’t changed to be usable in combat, don’t worry! Several other powers have received some changes:


:: No longer steals a flat 10 AP from the target player. Instead, this ability steals 8% of a player’s current AP, and has a 25% chance to also steal an item worth 75 AP or less. (Chance to steal increased from 20%).


:: Tornado is now controlled via WASD, and can move in any direction during its 8 second duration. Players hit take 15 damage (Up from 10) and lose a random item worth 60 AP or less. (Cannot affect starting items)


GET UP THERE – The Plus and Minus square UI’s have been moved into the top notification bar.

TIMER CHANGES – The turn timer has been adjusted so that players now have 12 seconds at the start of their turn to roll. Failure to roll in this time will cause the player to time out. Upon rolling, the player’s turn time is now reset to full.

NATURAL REGENERATION – At the end of each turn, players are now healed for 3 HP. (Up from 1).

READABILITY – Many tooltips (especially longer ones) are now more readable and are no longer partially cut off.


Bug Fixes:

Still in the bug squattin’ business!

  • Fixed a bug where the battle UI would sometimes stay up too long. (And even forever in some cases).
  • Fixed a bug where guests would start off at level 10. (Sorry guests!)


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