Patch 0.2.3!

This patch brings even more new mechanics to the board, while still providing all the usual: a few new items, quality-of-life changes, and more!

Enjoy friends, enjoy.



ROLL REVAMP – Rolling the die now involves new mechanics.

  • When the player begins to roll, a slider now appears with all the possible roll values. This slider quickly cycles between the values and pressing the space bar will slow the cycling process to a stop until a number is selected. The timing of the key press affects the value of the roll.

WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR – When a player finishes selecting their starting powers and items, they can now see which other players the game is waiting for.


The Gym Reaper : One player receives the Workout kit item, which can be consumed to permanently grant +4 attack and defense. All other players receive a complimentary water bottle (If they have space in their inventory), which restores 30% of the player’s max HP when consumed. (Can be used in combat for the same effect).

Ready to ROCK: A player receives the legendary guitar item. This item can be consumed to play an AWESOME solo for a target player. (Deals 70% of the player’s current HP as damage to them, and takes a % of their net worth.)

Price Dice: For 10 rounds, rolling the dice deals 15 damage to the player. Does not apply if the player is below 40 HP.

SECOND HALF – After halftime, all AP gains are increased by 20%.




Cost: 45 AP

:: Can be consumed to remove all banishment, haunting, and untargetable effects from yourself.


:: Cost reduced from 60 to 50 AP.



LESS EXHAUSTING – Sprint AP cost reduced from 4 AP per square to 3 AP per square.


Bug Fixes:

Squattin’ bugs since 1337.

  • Fixed an issue where particle with sound effects would not respect the player’s “Master Volume” setting, often making them play louder than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where too many particle effects would be created when a player loses a battle.
  • Added a debug command to fix turns getting stuck.

Ready to start testing out these changes? [Click here to play now]

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