With the release of 0.0.4 came some issues with online play, so with this update I hope to address those issues and create a more reliable and consistent experience for online play.
With this hotfix, I decided to roll out some new balance changes for early game AP, so before we get to the technical stuff…
LESS MONEY NO PROBLEM – Starting AP for all players has been reduced to 50 AP. (Down from 100.)
MO MONEY MO PROBLEMS – Players gain [ 12 AP] [ 12 AP + The current round ] for rolling the die, up to a base maximum of 40 AP per dice roll. (This applies before item effects, so more is possible.)
SOME NUMBERS- During round 1, all players will receive 13 AP for rolling the die. (12 + 1 round).
During round 15, all players will receive 27 AP for rolling the die. (12 + 15).
After round 28, all players will receive a base maximum of 40 AP for rolling the die, before item effects apply.
The idea of these changes was to reduce early game potential and emphasize net income toward the middle and late game phases. Having less AP early on means that landing on an item square early wont have the same snowball potential, but it also brings additional viability into waiting less time to have the AP for a better item.
KEEP IT TOGETHER- Adjusted the way the game synchronizes so that position updates are more frequent.
REMEMBER THAT FAIL SAFE?- The “Derailment” fail safe that was added in the base patch has been revamped to more seamlessly move players back to their correct position, and sync this position over the network.
IT GETS A BIT TECHNICAL HERE- Only the turn player can send gameplay updates over the network. This was an issue in previous versions when occasionally all players could send position updates that were out of date.
This hot fix won’t be the last, and there’s still some issues that need to be tackled.
CAMERA ISSUES- There has been an occurring issue with the camera moving past the bounds of the game board especially to follow out-of-sync pawns. It’s not game breaking, as the camera should automatically pan back to the correct position after each turn.